Friday, August 28, 2009

Miley Hits Fire Island

Okay I just stumbled across this video on and it's insanely amazing! (And very well color coordinated.) Get me one of those giant rafts asap!

I'm obsessed with this Miley song right now and I'm not ashamed to admit it.
I am, however, a little embarrassed to admit that it's not the first Miley song I've played on repeat.
What? Don't judge. She's good.

See You Again was a pre-party favorite senior year- all my college friends will attest.
The Climb is pretty inspirational (admit it), and Before the Storm with Nick Jonas...I die.

Did I see Hannah Montana in theaters? YES
Did I tear up at the end? MAYBE
Do I wish I knew all the steps to Hoedown Throwdown? NO. That's just straight up ridiculous.


  1. 'See you again' is one of those songs I wish i could hide on my itunes but secretly sing into my hair dryer pretty frequently.

    Dont you just wish only one thing about Party in the USA, which is that it was some other line besides Party in the USA? like "Wave your hands and say Hey!" that would be better. I think I'll tell Billy Ray.

  2. This just made me laugh so hard! Love it! So funny, but all so so true!
