So I officially made the switch from Blackberry to iPhone. It happened. The apps were just calling to me! I couldn't resist. It's actually something I'd been considering for a while; I was available for an upgrade, already on AT&T and ready to try something new. And I'm glad I went for it because so far I love it!
This morning Joe showed me an awesome website where you can download different wallpapers for your iPhone. All of the artwork is super unique and it's fun to browse all the different designs.
Whether or not you have an iPhone, you should def take a LOOK.
I hate to be a follower and sometimes I feel like I would be cooler if I was still rocking my old Razor phone, (I have a certain respect for people who don't upgrade.) But damn, you really just can't beat the iPhone!

YOU GOT ONE?? You didn't tell me! How exciting! Love the art backdrops! So jealous! Have fun with it!