I don't know about anyone else, But I am not ready to let go of summer yet. I don't care that it's getting dark earlier or that the temperature is dropping- IT'S STILL SUMMER!
Call me a child, but I dread the end of August. I know I'm not packing up my school bag or signing up for classes (I wish), but I just don't want to watch my favorite season slip away. Summer goes by too fast as it is, and I refuse to allow it to leave until I see MULTIPLE trees changing leaves and ALL lifeguard towers officially closed. I don't believe that Labor Day represents the end of this glorious season or that bathing suits on sale should be any indication that summer is closing. I'm willing to do everything it takes to keep summer open and operating as long as I can.
Therefore, I comprised Five Ways to Make Summer Last, and I suggest you all try these activities ASAP. And HURRY before all the local Halloween stores start taking over!
1. Make a Summer Playlist
Throw in some Van Morrison, some Ben Harper, a little Jimmy Buffett and let that iPod blast. And if you're really feeling up to it, maybe something poppy (like Britney circa 2001), to really help you remember the good old days of summer.
2. Wear Summer Clothes!
Don't even think about throwing on your fall attire. I don't care if you just bought it and are excited to wear it, put that faux leather jacket in the closet where it belongs. I want to see cut-off shorts, tank tops and sandals. Even if the sun is being shy, wear your fedora and wear it proudly. Sporting your summer gear is one definite way to express that the season is still here.
3. Lay Out!
I practiced one of my favorite hobbies today and actually got BURNT. Mhhmm. Sit there in envy because I am still soaking up that summer sun! (BTW I'm ALL for sun protection, but every once in a while it's nice to let yourself get a little tan/burnt...right?)
4. Enjoy an Evening Stroll at Sunset
Tonight me and three friends took a lovely walk around Balboa Island just at sunset and it couldn't have been nicer. People were out and the sidewalk was bustling. We were enjoying the bay view, good conversation and some lovely Pinot Grigio in plastic red cups (classy, I know.) Just being outside and watching the sunset was the perfect reminder that summer is still present. Plus, vino at sunset? Yes please.
5. Throw a Barbecue
Who doesn't think summer when they smell a barbecue? The two go hand in hand. Call some friends, text some acquaintances and buy some burgers because it's time for a summer cook off. Just seeing your guests in their best summer attire, drunk off beer and mingling about their recent vacations, will be enough to solidify that the season isn't going anywhere yet.