Yesterday Lacey got me a totally awesome present- she burned me the NEW MOON SOUNDTRACK! Very exciting!
I have read two of the four Twilight books and although I'm not the most loyal fan, I did really enjoy them and swear one day I'll find time to read the other two, (just after I finish the five books I'm unsuccessfully and simultaneously reading right now.) I don't think Stephenie Meyer is the best writer but she's a damn good story teller. And as I reallized today, I own the Twilight movie on DVD, the original soundtrack and now the new soundtrack. Plus, I have a mini poster hanging behind my desk. So ya... I'm a fan. And as it gets closer to November 20th and the release of New Moon I get more and more excited. Maybe I should finish the other two books...
So here are my thoughts on the soundtrack so far...
- It's very mellow and a bit dark which matches the theme of the novel. Well done.
- I'm a little disappointed in the Muse and Death Cab for Cutie tracks- they're kind of a drag. And not in an emotastic way. Just in a not-good-on-the-ears kind of way.
- I'm devastated to say that there is no Rob Pattinson song! Um hello?!! How could he not be on the new sountrack?? Never Think is so amazing- I was expecting a follow up! And no Paramore...so sad.
- There is a gorgous Lykke Li song called Possibility. I might be biased cause I love her music, but this song is possibly my fav one on the soundtrack.
- Some other winners- there's great tracks by the Killers, Lupe Fiasco (rememebr him?) and Anya Marina.
- There is a song by the Editors called No Sound But the Wind- it sounds like a mix of Neil Diamond and The National. I sort of hated it at first by now I really dig it. I don't even know why. It's pretty great though.
I'll pretty much be listening to it non-stop until the movie comes out, and then just listening to it even more. Anything that channels Edward Cullen is great with me!
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