Tuesday, September 15, 2009

And GG is Back!

Last night was the season three premier of Gossip Girl! Finally, the show has come back into or lives again!
If you're one of the many of us who can't get enough of Gossip Girl, and who watched re-runs all summer in anticipation, then you will absolutely love the episode recaps on NYMAG.com
Chris and Jessica, two writers for the Daily Intel Blog on New York Mag's website, bring just the right mixture of silly and sarcastic. The two of them tally up what's real and what's fake about each episode, adding points for realistic moments and taking away points for things that wouldn't actually happen in real life. Literally, there's numbers involved. And these recaps seriously rival the show in entertainment.
So take a look HERE to read the GG recap from last night's premier. You may pee your pants. Or you might just close the computer in confusion over which one's Chuck and which one's Nate and why there are so many refences to Serena's cleavage. Either way, thank goodness GG is back!

Here's a preview of the greatness that is the recap:

• Blair: "I know what you did this summer, and who. Cristiano Ronaldo? I hope you got your shots." Plus 2, because obviously Serena didn't actually rest between the Thighs That Are the Pride of Portugal. But kudos to Blair for making the point.

• Why would Scott be looking creepily at his birth certificate while talking on the phone to his mom? It would be one thing if he was at his desk, but he's just standing there in the coffee shop, crinkling it like a psycho killer. Minus 1.

1 comment:

  1. GG and the recap go together like cookies and milk (or in HJT, AlPal and my case hundred calorie chocolate bars and wine)and as for Chris and Jess- true kindred spirits of our HaileyJamar- if you dig her, you'll dig them!
