Thursday, September 3, 2009

Over The Knee for Real?

I'm still not really sure what to do with this whole over-the-knee boot. It feels a bit awkward to me and I can't seem to get Vivian Ward out of my head...
BUT this morning I stumbled upon something very helpful on SHOPBOP.
Obvi they are looking out for those of us who still don't know how that many inches of boot could possibly look good. So thank you SHOPBOP for giving us some options. As usual, you know what's up.
Oh and I added a bit of my own commentary, which may or may not be helpful.


  1. I definitely think these could be a possibility... I like the ones that you can fold up or down, so if you are feeling the above-the-knee, you can do that, or go short. Keep up the good bloggin' buddy!

  2. I've gotta say, the idea of over-the-knee was definitely at first over-the-top for me. but, i did some investigating, put it to a vote on SUILTSOY, and have decided that they are going to be one of my 2 big fall purchases (the other will be a fabulous coat).

    check out the poll & some of my favorite versions on my blog (shameless promo, its happening)
