As we get away from summer and float into fall, (I know, I know…we have to start admitting it though), our minds begin to drift away from tank tops and fedoras and take a turn towards layers and socks. We involuntarily find ourselves thinking about colored

leggings, cozy sweaters and over the knee boots. Just this weekend, even when I was basking in the 80 degree weather and sporting a sundress, I found myself cruising Forever 21 in search of WARM clothes. It’s unavoidable and unstoppable.

It’s AUTUMN. And as much as I treasure summer and am saddened by my fading tan, I have to force myself to find the good in all things FALL. Things like Halloween parties, football games, the return of our favorite tv shows and new fall styles, in

particular- JACKETS. That’s right, it’s time for our jackets to emerge once again from the back of our closet. You know you’ve missed their warm embrace.
Some people are better at thinking ahead have already done a fair share of online shopping and mall trudging. And I’m sure there are plenty of people who said goodbye to their bathing suit weeks ago. But for me, the time is just approaching now. And luckily with October creeping up (tomorrow) there is a light of hope in the form of a jacket(s).

Maybe it’s your favorite season and if so, good for you.Maybe you don’t r
eally care that it’s almost time to bundle up.Or maybe your inner child has a hard time watching the beaches go empty and the sun set earlier. And maybe the spread of new jackets is just what you need to remind yourself that fall isn’t so bad after all.
Quiksilver Women's
Urban Outfitters